Edgell Family Line
The Pagenkopf line is on Mother's side through her father, Carl Joseph Gotthilf
Peter Pagenkopf – 1700s,
2. Nephew or son – Johan
Gotthilf August Pagenkopf
Rob's wife Corinna with Madison - Rob with Madison - Corinna with Carter
Bob's son Rob, Madison and Bob
Granddaughter Madison, her mother and Stepsisters
My son
Rob was married to Leslie who had two daughters (McKenna and Hailey).
They then had Madison, my Granddaughter.
photo is from McKenna’s graduation party.
McKenna and Hailey are Madison’s stepsisters.
Madison’s mom Leslie, Hailey, Madison, McKenna, Bob and Sue.
Sue’s son
Shawn Riordan
(Shawn’s dad
is second from left)
(Dick Musil
is third from left)
Shawn is a computer
programmer and is a key figure in the engineering
of IGC.
He has been with the same company since 1992.
Sue, her
mother and Uncle
This is precious.
From left to right you will see
Harold…..Thelma’s 86 year
younger brother.
Thelma is Sue’s 93 year old mother who lives
Minneapolis in the Summer and with us in Phoenix in the winter.
Bob Edgell’s Family
This picture was taken in 2007 in Minneapolis.
Lynn the oldest
(on the left), Rob (Bob’s son) and Madison, Rob’s
and Bob’s granddaughter.
The parchment they are
is a genealogy chart made by Rob.
Steve Edgell,
b. June
5, 1941
d. March 8, 2005
Steve sitting by the carving of the ‘trickster’ at Carl Jung’s home in Switzerland.
Bryana, Laura
and Matt
Thomas, Ryan
and Kristina
Ginger Edgell (Lynn's wife)
Scott Edgell (Lynn and Ginger's son) with Angela, Chloe and Riley
Suzie (Edgell) with husband Bob Beeson, sons Mitch and Drew
Lynn’s oldest daughter by his
first marriage
Shari and Shari’s Husband
Chuck Cochran and his family
Chuck is the son of Lucille
and her second husband,
family reunion in 1995
Tom is Steve’s son and Laura is his wife.
Lynn is the
The Musil Family
We have known Dick and Kay Musil since High School and
consider them family. Dick Musil married Kay Clarkson after High School and
they have been married for over 50 years.
They live about 9 blocks from us and are the
best of friends.
Here are pictures from our Xmas Eve party in
Katy and Husband Todd Lehman
Katie has two sons: Reed and Tye
Todd has two sons: Lucas and Max
oldest son, Aaron and his wife Christine
(They have
three sons)